Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Politics In Criticizing Cleanup, Jindal Finds His Voice

FOXNEWS, 6/2/2010 - PORT FOURCHON, La. — In the gathering frustration over failures to stop the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has emerged as one of the staunchest critics of the response by the federal government and BP PLC. ∴ Nearly every day, the Republican policy wonk pulls on his brown cowboy boots and traipses across a newly oiled shore, or takes a boat through fouled waters. Along the way, he often lambastes BP's and the federal government's efforts as "too little, too late" for communities scrambling to protect their fragile wetlands from encroaching crude—comments that have drawn sharp criticism from the White House and some Democratic lawmakers. ∴ Louisiana has jurisdiction over its coastline, but none in the federal waters of the Gulf. Read more at FOX/NYT...

NEW YORK POST: I can plug oil leak, says NY genius - BP's engineers can't stop the gushing oil spill, but a young genius from Long Island says she found the solution in less time than it takes most people to finish a crossword puzzle.