Tuesday, June 1, 2010

AT: Is This Just a Nightmare, or Did It Really Happen?

AMERICAN THINKER, 5/24/2010 by Jared E. Peterson (Hat tip: Stella Guenther) - Over the past week we witnessed presidential and congressional disloyalty without precedent in American history, events that should be indelibly imprinted on the American electorate's collective memory. For the first time (at least to this writer's knowledge), a foreign head of state who is promoting an ongoing, aggressive, illegal, and often violent invasion of America came to our country, met with our president, and, from the White House itself, received our president's implicit but obvious public support for that invasion; and that same foreign leader spoke to Congress and received a standing ovation from its Democrat members' for his country's war on America's borders.

Is this just a nightmare, or did it really happen? Read more at American Thinker...

Why didn't the Republicans walk out during Calderon's rant? Kudos to McClintock (R-CA) for speaking up.