Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Iran Now Has Fuel for 2 Nuclear Weapons

THE ROSETT REPORT, 5/31/2010 by Claudia Rosett - "While the world is focused on bloodshed aboard a Turkish ferryboat manned by sympathizers of the terrorists of Hamas, the real crisis looms like Godzilla rising from the sea. In its latest report on Iran, the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA, reports that Iran has now piled up enough fuel for two nuclear bombs. ... Whether in Washington, New York, Paris, Berlin, Jeddah, Cairo or beyond, anyone quietly depending on the Israelis to scotch Iran's ambitions for nuclear hegemony over the oil fields of the Arabian Gulf might want to think twice before ganging up further on the Israelis. The real crises are still ahead, and they are not going to be confined to bloody propaganda stunts staged by fake 'peace activists' cruising the Mediterranean." Read more at the Rosett Report...