Thursday, May 27, 2010

Karl Rove updates 2010 Senate races

KARL ROVE'S NOTES (fb), 5/26/2010 - "New polls in the wake of last week's primaries have led to a slew of changes on the Senate map. Pennsylvania moves from leaning Republican to a toss-up after new polls show Sestak (D) closing on Toomey (R), and despite a primary battle between Sen. Bennet (D) and Romanoff (D), Colorado also moves from lean GOP to toss-up. California shifts from toss-up to lean Democratic as new polls show Sen. Boxer (D) ahead of her prospective Republican opponents. But Washington becomes a bright spot for Republicans as new polls show the entry of Rossi (R) to the race against Sen. Murray (D) shifts the state from leaning Democratic to a toss-up."

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Mr. Rove won't mind if we prove him wrong on Oregon's Senate race. --bc