Wednesday, May 26, 2010

URGENT - Ron Maurer race not over yet - your help needed ASAP!

The race for State Superintendent of Public Instruction isn't over yet and your help is needed. Republican Rep. Ron Maurer is still alive in the race for Superintendent of Public Instruction versus failed 8 year incumbent Susan Castillo. This race has turned out to be much closer than the media and pundits thought. Apparently a lot of voters, and not just Republicans, think Oregon being 43rd in the nation in K thru 12 academic results is a good reason fire Susan Castillo after 8 years and hire Ron Maurer to lead the educational system in Oregon. (see below [the fold] under "HERE IS WHAT WE ARE ASKING YOU TO DO IMMEDIATELY" to find out how you can help)

In the last week, this non-partisan race is turning out to be the closest statewide race since Vote-By-Mail was instituted as the gap between Maurer and Castillo has narrowed to within 0.41%. More significantly, Ron Maurer's teachers union-backed incumbent opponent Susan Castillo is only 0.04% (four one hundredths of a percent or 307 votes) above the "50% + 1 vote" threshold she must reach to win the race outright now and avoid a run-off with Ron Maurer in November. Castillo's margin over 50% has been dwindling all week. Here's the latest numbers:

Superintendent of Public Instruction
View results by county

Nonpartisan [Statewide Position]

Susan Castillo

Votes....... 349,055
Percent....... 50.04%
Ron Maurer
Votes....... 346,199
Percent....... 49.63%
Write-in Votes
Votes......... 2,243
Percent........ 0.32%
Votes....... 697,497
Percent......... 100%
For updates: Sec. of State Election Results/2010 Primary

As of May 21st statewide, there are at least several thousand ballots have not been "accepted" (=counted) because the voter's signature didn't match from outside of their May 18th ballot with what their County Elections have on file. Voters have 10 days from election day to fix this with their County Elections office. By the way, the Secretary of State Elections Division and every County Elections office has officially refused in writing to supply us the list of folks receiving this letter. So now it's up to you and me to reach as many of these folks as possible without knowing who they are!


Please spread the word to every Republican (or anyone you think voted for Ron Maurer) about the need for voters who have received letters from their county elections office stating that their signature didn't match from outside of their May 18th ballot with what their county elections have on file - they need to get in to county elections before this FRIDAY MAY 28TH AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS to update their signature card in order for their votes to count. They must bring photo identification with them and sign a new voter registration card so their signature can be matched. BTW - if they don't do this now, they will have to do this in November anyways - so best to get it done now!

Here's a link to find the County Election offices

PLEASE NOTE: We have learned that many new registrants who have used the new online registration option may be receiving these letters because their ballot signature is being match with their DMV signature from when they first got their driver's license, for instance, at age 16, but, due to some lack of clarity of some DMV images and the fact that signatures can change significantly during a voter's teenage years, these voters are getting these letters more often than your average voter.

Don't wait to get this message out, but do try your best to target folks that you think voted for Rep. Ron Maurer in this election. As you can see in the email below, Castillo's supporters are already out there getting this word to Castillo's supporters. They know that this election is a potential "bellwether" of where 2010 is going. Don't let them steal this election. Take action today!

Very truly yours,
Kevin Hoar, Field Director
Ruth Bendl, Voter Integrity Chair
Oregon Republican Party

Added: The OEA-PIE (teacher's union) and the Democrats are urging their members to do likewise.