Saturday, February 7, 2009

Cheney speaks out

Power Line blog combined former Vice President Cheney's recent comments on political affairs, titled Cheney's Warning.

    - Cheney criticized the Obama administration for relaxing its guard
    - Cheney vigorously defended the terrorist detention center at Guantanamo Bay
    - Cheney also commented on the current political scene:
    "You have Daschle with his tax problem. You have [Treasury Secretary Tim] Geithner with his tax problem. You have Charlie Rangel, who's chairman of the Ways and Means Committee -- doesn't understand the tax code. You have Chris Dodd, who got special -- alleged special terms" on a mortgage. "If I look at that from our standpoint," Cheney said, "I'd start to worry about it if I were a Democrat. There's nothing more dangerous, politically, than hypocrisy. At some point, here, we're going to get critical mass."