Saturday, July 26, 2014

Politics: Israel's U.S. Ambassador appears on CNN - destroys CNN's biased reporting

CNN's rampant, inarguable bias is nothing new. After all, the network was founded by Ted Turner and used to be not-so-lovingly referred to as "The Clinton News Network." Its roots are far left and, if there's one thing the far left can't stand, it's Israel.

So it's little surprise that when the station talks about the most recent Gaza dust-up, they tend to leave out facts that support Israel's cause.

Unfortunately, when your guest is Ron Dermer, that tends to blow up in your face.  Dermer is the Israeli ambassador to the United States, and he didn't feel like letting CNN's bias slide during a recent appearance.  Instead of doing the usual news-guest dance, he ripped into the network's unwillingness to report the facts.

Read more at Cain TV