“If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.” --Ronald Reagan, 39th president of the United States of America.Tea Party participant Lori Rentz of Corvallis, dressed as the Statute of Liberty, made the Portland TV News and the front page of the Oregonian! Here’s the KPTV link. On Thursday, April 15, thousands of Oregonians came together to celebrate freedom. They made a powerful statement to our government that it must return to operating within its Constitutional limits. THANK YOU TO THE HUNDRED OF PEOPLE IN BENTON COUNTY WHO PARTICIPATED!
What the ‘tea partiers’ want, Hasso Hering’s Commentary (appearing Albany D-H, Corvallis G-T on Sunday, April 18) - Now that we’ve had some more “tea party” events in the mid-valley and the rest of the state, we know that the detractors are wrong when they roundly dismiss these citizens as “extremists” or slander them as right-wing nuts….what’s wrong with and lighthearted approach to serious concerns?....
So what do these tea party people want?
“Save the Constitution,” said the sign of veteran in a wheelchair at the Corvallis rally on Thursday. Egads! How extremist can you get?
“Vote them all out,” said another. It may not be practical and it won’t happen considering how rigged our political system is to protect incumbents. But it’s not exactly a radical notion. In theory our system is built on the idea that citizens are represented by legislators from their own ranks who rotate out of office after a few terms. Nothing in the state or federal constitutions suggests the drafters had in mind a permanent class of political rulers insulated from the public and protected, on the pretext of preventing corruption, by regulations making it hard to run for office.
At the Albany rally, many of the people said they were concerned about the government debt and about taxes rising under President Obama.
The debt is a legitimate worry. It has been going up for a long time, but lately it has shot up like a rocket. So it’s healthy for more people to get concerned, and there’s nothing extremist about it at all.
The tea party demonstrators are against “socialism,” which immediately causes critics to challenge them to forgo veterans’ and Social Security benefits or be proved hypocrites. But those are benefits the recipients have earned, sometimes at the risk of their lives, and in the case of Social Security by a lifetime of paying into the system.
The kind of “socialism” the tea partiers are against is the kind that vastly expands the powers of government over everyone under the pretext of helping people who can’t help themselves or have made little effort to try.
But as the signs and flags and comments show, the most important thing the tea party protesters want is to hold on to the personal the economic freedom that Americans have by tradition enjoyed.
Our freedom is slipping away because of diverse forces – among them the effects of multiplying laws and regulations as well as corporations, technology and globalization.
Party functionaries and status-quo defenders may see any countervailing thought or force as out of step. We should be glad there are at least a few who are willing to stand up and shout” Stop! (hh)
Tuesday, April 20: Sheriff Richard Mack, the sheriff who stood up to the federal government and WON, is coming to Prineville on Tuesday; April 20th. His book, “The County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope,” will available for sale. Don't miss out! Tell your friends & contacts; Crook County High School - 5pm. At 5, Sheriff Mack will speak on the Constitution, then at 6:00 he will be moderating at the Candidates for Governor Forum. At 8:30 p.m. there will be a "Meet & Greet" candidates for various positions.
Monday, April 26: Benton County Republican Women’s brown bag lunch Tea Party, 11:30 a.m. at Meadow Park Mobile Estates Club House, 277 NE Conifer Boulevard. Everyone please bring your favorite tea cup to enjoy tea with us. Display your teapot, either filled with tea or as a decorator piece. You can bring your favorite teas also. Allen Alley, candidate for Governor of Oregon, will speak. He is one of several gubernatorial candidates running in the May 18th Primary election. Also meet Jerry Jackson, candidate for Benton County Commissioner.
Thursday, May 6: Republican Party meets. King Tin Restaurant meeting room, 1857 N.W. 9th Street, Corvallis. 24 Candidates whose names will be on the Republican Primary election ballot are invited to kick off their campaigns in Benton County at our Central Committee meeting. Come to hear the candidates, get their literature and meet them. Be an informed voter! Join us at 6 p.m. for a no-host dinner and social hour. The meeting begins at 7 p.m.
Your help is needed on Saturday, April 24 and Sunday, April 25 to collect signatures on AFP petitions at the AG FEST at the Oregon State Fair Grounds in Salem. Many thousands of people are expected to attend this event, and it will be a great place to gather signatures on the following three petitions:
You can help on Saturday between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., and on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
If you can give some time to this effort, e-mail metalman-bob@msn.com or phone him at 503-310-6573. Bob is the organizer and will help you know when you are most needed. Linda from Corvallis will be supporting this effort and invites anyone who wants to carpool to call her at 541-740-1736.
The Republican Party Freed the Slaves in the District of Columbia
Republicans would benefit tremendously from appreciating the heritage of our Grand Old Party, founded in 1854 to oppose the Democrats' pro-slavery, anti-freedom agenda.
As they campaign for the mid-term elections, Republicans should ignore the lefty media spin and recognize that they hold the moral high ground. From the first chapter of Back to Basics for the Republican Party: "How can we expect to convince voters to place their confidence in us when we lack confidence in our own heritage."
Last Friday, the nation's capital celebrated Emancipation Day. In his proclamation, the Democrat mayor, Adrian Fenty, omits something very important: the holiday commemorates the Republican Party's abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. That's right, the Republican Party freed the slaves in DC. And yes, the Democratic Party opposed freeing the slaves in DC -- a fact which Democrats today dare not mention.
During the Civil War, one of the nation's leading abolitionists was Senator Henry Wilson (R-MA), who would later serve as Vice President in the Ulysses Grant administration. In December 1861, Senator Wilson introduced a bill to abolish slavery in the District. The measure met with parliamentary obstacles from the Democrats, but Ben Wade (R-OH) outmaneuvered them. Six years later, had the bitterly racist Democrat, Andrew Johnson, been convicted during his impeachment trial, Senator Wade would have become President of the United States.
On April 16, 1862, the Republican-controlled 37th Congress passed Senator Wilson's bill. Overall, 99% of Republicans voted to free the slaves in the District of Columbia, while 83% of Democrats voted to keep them in chains. That day, the GOP freed more than three thousand African-Americans. Among them was Philip Reid, who while enslaved had made the statue that stands atop the dome of the U.S. Capitol.
While serving in the U.S. House of Representatives, Abraham Lincoln sponsored a bill to abolish slavery in Washington, DC. As President, he proudly signed the District of Columbia Emancipation Act, announcing "I have never doubted the constitutional authority of congress to abolish slavery in this District; and I have ever desired to see the national capital freed from the institution." Emancipation Day finally arrived, thanks to Republican majorities in Congress.The County Sheriff: America's Last Hope
Sheriff Mack's newest book covers decades of research to prove once and for all that the sheriffs in this country are indeed the ultimate law authority in their respective jurisdictions. The sheriff absolutely has the power and responsiblity to defend his citizens against all enemies, including those from our own Federal Government. History, case law, common law and common sense all show clear evidence that the sheriff is the people's protector in all issues of injustice and is responsible for keeping the peace in all matters. He is the last line of defense for his constituents; he is America's last hope to regain our forgotten freedom.
This short but powerful book is a must read for all citizens, sheriffs, and government officials that we may all work to return America to the constitutional republic she was meant to be. Amazing as it might be, the sheriff can make this happen! Paperback, 50 Pages.
Monday, April 19, 2010
This newsletter was sent by e-mail to subscribers by Benton County Republicans, P.O. Box 808, Corvallis OR 97339. Our office is located in the Millrace Center at 1760 S.W. Third Street, Corvallis. Our telephone number is 754 9155. Please visit our website at http://bentongop.blogspot.com.
If you would like to subscribe to our e-mails, please make your subscription request HERE. Thank you. --J. Nelson
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Newsletter: Local Media Supports Tea Parties (4/19)
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