Benton Co. Republicans, 4/5/2010
The Outstanding Public Debt as of 05 Apr 2010 at 08:05:33 AM GMT is:

so each citizen's share of this debt is $41,471.53.
The National Debt has continued to increase an average of $4.10 billion per day since September 28, 2007! Concerned? Then tell Congress and the White House! ∴ Do you have any questions about the National Debt or this Debt Clock? Here are some answers. The Treasury Department's Bureau of Public Debt also has their own Public Debt FAQ.
National Debt -- In the News
16 Oct 09 - Obama team makes it official: Budget Deficit hits record. By a lot. (USA Today)
15 Oct 09 - Greenspan: U.S. National Debt, not weak dollar, is the concern (Blogging Stocks)
12 Oct 09 - Opinion: Taking the National Debt Seriously (Wall Street Journal)
8 Oct 09 - U.S. Deficit hits record $1.4 Trillion (BBC News)
5 Aug 09 - National Debt cap will need to rise, Treasury predicts (Washington Post)
3 Jul 09 - Mountain of Debt: Rising Debt may be next crisis (ABC News)
9 Jun 09 - America's sea of red ink was years in the making (New York Times)
20 Mar 09 - US Federal Deficit soars past previous estimates (Washington Post)
20 Mar 09 - Congressional Budget Office: US Deficit ballooning to record $1.7 trillion (Christian Sci Monitor)
17 Mar 09 - National Debt hits record $11 Trillion (CBS News)
27 Feb 09 - Americans mixed on Obama Budget and fret over Deficit (Reuters UK)
26 Feb 09 - Proposed 2010 Budget available for review (
26 Feb 09 - Budget chief explains Obama's $2 trillion for Deficit reduction (Wall Street Journal)
26 Feb 09 - Obama plans huge shifts in spending -- and a $1.75 trillion Deficit (New York Times)
24 Feb 09 - Editorial: Massive debt is Obama's long-term challenge (San Jose Mercury News) [Sorry, can't access this article]
23 Feb 09 - Deficit concern jumps ... among the GOP (Washington Post)
22 Feb 09 - Obama plans to slash U.S. Budget Deficit by 2013 (Bloomberg)
9 Oct 08 - Maxing out the National Debt Clock (US News & World Report)
In addition, the United States Congress has created nearly $100 Trillion… $100,000,000,000,000.00… in unfunded mandates, such as Medicare, Social Security, Obamacare, and other government programs. Congress promises these benefits to you and me, but the U.S. government does not possess the funds to pay for them.
You can learn about all the candidates on the Republican Primary ballot by going to Click on the candidates’ pictures and their description will pop up.
Benton County Republican’s website and Benton County Republican Women’s website are being recognized by the Oregon Republican Party for their outstanding layout and content. Let’s give a big THANK YOU to PJ Hunter for using her talents to create websites to be proud of!!
We’re all looking forward to Sandy’s delicious barbecue that he cooks up for us each August. Sign up to help Sandy and John as they get ready to give us an even bigger and better Republican get-together! Just reply HERE and let us know that you’ll help them.
You’re needed! Let’s work together and invite people who are fed up with Pres. Obama and his agenda to register as Republicans so they can vote in the Republican Primary election next month. We need YOU to help us. Please reply HERE with your contact information and tell us that you’ll help. Thank you!!
SATURDAY, APRIL 10: Pre-Tea Party Rally in Albany from 11 to 1 p.m. Location: The Original Breakfast, 3225 Santiam Highway SE, Albany. Take exit 233 off I-5. It’s on the west side of the freeway. Please park in the back. Jeff Kropf will speak at 11:30, and after Jeff speaks we’ll walk the sidewalks in the area and show off our signs. Warm up for the Tax Day April 15 rallies in Corvallis and Salem. There’ll be a prize for the best sign!
THURSDAY, APRIL 15: Tea Party Rally at the Oregon State Capitol, 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m.
THURSDAY, APRIL 15: Join the National Tea Party Rally from 4 to 6 p.m. in Corvallis. All across the nation, patriots will be speaking out with signs expressing their concerns about what is happening to our nation. Meet in the Hollywood Video parking lot (don’t park in front of the store…save space for their customers), then spread out to surround the block on Harrison, VanBuren, 3rd and 4th Streets. This will be a gigantic rally, and you’ve got a lot to say! Make signs on the issues that concern you. We need YOU to help save this nation!!
THURSDAY, APRIL 15: Benton County Republican Executive Committee meets at 7 p.m. at Republican Headquarters, 1760 S.W. Third Street in the Millrace Center.
FRIDAY, APRIL 16: SOLD OUT! Hear Karl Rove, former Deputy Chief of Staff and Advisor to Pres. George W. Bush. Mr. Rove will speak at the Ronald Reagan Tribute Gala, Friday, April 16, 2010, Bend. Mr. Rove is author of “Courage and Consequence—My Life as a Conservative in the Fight.”
MONDAY, APRIL 26: Benton County Republican Women meet at 277 NE Conifer Blvd. in the Club House at 11:30 a.m. Learn more about candidates in the Republican Primary election. Brown baggers welcome.
TUESDAY, APRIL 27: Americans For Prosperity (AFP) meets at Belle Vallee Wine Cellars, 804 NW Buchanan St. (upstairs), 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Directions: Turn east of the old Jiffy Lube building, follow the Belle Vallee signs around to the back.
SATURDAY, MAY 1: Primary election ballots arrive in your mailbox. They must be returned to the Benton County Elections office by 8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 18.
Have you read Conservative Victory by Sean Hannity?
Sean Hannity has been sounding the alarms about Obama and his agenda from the start. Now—in his first new book in six years—he issues a stirring call to action. Hannity surveys all the major Obama players—from the president's affiliation with radical theology to his advisers' history of Marxist activism, repression of the media, support for leftist dictators, and worse. He exposes their resulting campaign to dismantle the American free-market system and forfeit our national sovereignty. But he draws on the examples of Ronald Reagan and the GOP's Contract with America to show how conservatives can unite behind this country's most cherished principles and act now to get America back on the right track—while we still can.
This newsletter was sent by e-mail to subscribers by Benton County Republicans, P.O. Box 808, Corvallis OR 97339. Our office is located in the Millrace Center at 1760 S.W. Third Street, Corvallis. Our telephone number is 754 9155. Please visit our website at
If you would like to subscribe to our e-mails, please make your subscription request HERE. Thank you. --J. Nelson
The Democratic's don't care about the Debt. They never did. I just hope 51%+ of American's don't care about the Democratic's.
REPEAL & REPLACE the Democratics
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