Benton Co. Republicans Newsletter
Monday, April 26, 2010
“We the people are the rightful master of both congress and the courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” --Abraham Lincoln (R), 15th President of the United States of America, 1861-1865
Tuesday, April 27: You’re invited to join Americans For Prosperity!
Tuesday, April 27: Last day to register as a Republican so you can vote in the Republican Primary election.
Thursday, April 29: Welcome home Bravo Company with a rally at the National Guard Armory (Kings Rd. and Lincoln Av, across from Woodstock’s) between 12 noon and 1 p.m.
Saturday, May 1: Republican Primary Election ballots arrive in your mailbox. Be sure to return your marked ballot by Tuesday, May 18 at 5 p.m.
Thursday, May 6: Benton County Republican Central Committee CANDIDATE FAIR, 6 p.m. in King Tin Restaurant meeting room, 1857 NW 9th Street. All candidates on the Republican Primary ballot are invited. Local candidates Rose Cook (Oregon House, district 16) and Jerry Jackson (Benton County Commissioner, pos.1) will KICK OFF THEIR CAMPAIGNS at the Candidate Fair.

Now, just weeks after the Democrats rammed their version of healthcare reform down our throats, WE GET THE TRUTH. Economic experts say that adding 34 million persons to the coverage rolls will actually raise spending by at least 2 percent, and probably more, over the next 10 years.
Guess what? Medicare cuts “may be unrealistic and unsustainable” and will drive hospitals into the red, “possibly jeopardizing access” to care for senior citizens!!!
But the Democrat super-majority is blind to anything but their twin goals of more power and putting our nation fully on the Socialist track.
We have just one recourse.
In 2010, throw out the Democrats. Elect Republicans and charge them with the responsibility to:
- repeal Obamacare and write REAL health care reform that will preserve the free market and freedom of choice;
- start our nation back on the track of debt reduction. Save our children from the terrible debt burden that will destroy this nation;
- restore the Constitution to the standard for Congress and the courts.

By Michael Zak, historian
_David Weigel, at The Washington Post, asked me to comment on Michael Steele's view of the so-called Southern Strategy.
Speaking at DePaul University on April 20, RNC Chairman Michael Steele urged Republican leaders to work with the Tea Parties. He has the right approach, to which I would add the fact, per my article on, that The Republican Party began as a Tea Party Movement.
Steele then went on to say:
"We have lost sight of the historic, integral link between the party and African-Americans. This party was co-founded by blacks, among them Frederick Douglass. The Republican Party had a hand in forming the NAACP, and yet we have mistreated that relationship. People don't walk away from parties. Their parties walk away from them. For the last 40- plus years we had a 'Southern Strategy' that alienated many minority voters by focusing on the white male vote in the South. Well, guess what happened in 1992, folks, 'Bubba' went back home to the Democratic Party and voted for Bill Clinton."Chairman Steele makes an interesting point, but he is accepting as true the Democrat version of events. The theme of Back to Basics for the Republican Party is that celebrating our party's heritage is not just for minority outreach but for all Republicans to appreciate that the GOP has been a great force for good ever since being founded in 1854 to oppose the Democrats' pro-slavery, anti-freedom agenda. I drew on that record of achievement in writing the historical information on the RNC website, also posted as Heroes and Heroics.
Chairman Steele's analysis of the so-called "southern strategy" is a bit too simplistic and could use some historical context. Since the end of Reconstruction the GOP scarcely existed in most of the South until the 1950s. In fact, in 1952 the Republican Party was so weak there that Dwight Eisenhower had to rely on "Veterans for Eisenhower" organizations to conduct much of his campaign in the region.
So firm was the Democrat grip on the white southern vote that prior to Richard Nixon's 1960 campaign, no Republican presidential candidate had ever done much campaigning in the South. That year he broke new ground by deciding to campaign in every state. Prior to legislative advances of the civil rights movement -- initiated by the GOP's 1957 and 1960 Civil Rights Acts -- few African-Americans could vote in the Democrat-controlled South. As a result, Nixon's campaigning in southern states was perforce directed toward the people who could vote there, mostly the whites.
Regarding his decision to campaign in the South as some kind of cynical ploy is to ignore Nixon's civil rights achievements while serving as Eisenhower's vice president. He was instrumental in breaking the Democrat filibuster against the 1957 Civil Rights Act and called for racial integration of public schools long before John Kennedy or Lyndon Johnson did.
As I often say in my speeches, "The more we Republicans know about the history of our party, the more the Democrats will worry about the future of theirs." See for more information.
GLENN BECK: American Heading Toward the Wrong Tracks
Glenn Beck, national conservative talk show host, is doing his best to educate America. His railroad track analogy does a great job of helping us understand the European system of Socialism and how close we are to becoming a Socialist nation.
In Europe, it’s been kings and rulers, (then) fascists and communists that are the left and right rails of the track that carries the European train. In 1791, America diverged from those tracks.
What ties Europe’s two rails together? SOCIALISM.
How do you build a railroad track? You have to put down the ties first. Once you get the ties down then you lay the rails. Laying the rails is the easy part.
You have to get the FOUNDATION right first. It’s taken PROGRESSIVES a hundred years (to change the foundation) of America because our railroad ties were different a hundred years ago. And we have purposely neglected them, been told to neglect them, been told to dismiss them so they would fall in disrepair.
What is the engine that runs on this track? THE FREE MARKET! That’s where progress comes from.
It wasn’t a government that invented the light bulb. It wasn’t the government that came up with the assembly line. It wasn’t the government that came up with the potbelly stove. It was people using the principles (the railroad ties) of the Constitution and equal justice, holding our tracks together on the right road that allows that FREE MARKET engine to push forward and create whatever it is you want to create.
What do you build if you’re on the communist track? Light bulbs? NO. GULAGS.
What do you build if you’re on the Nazi track? Automobiles? NO. DEATH CAMPS.
What happened to the FREE MARKET engine in America?
People are saying the free market is evil, the free market is bad. No, the free market just IS. It’s running on railroad ties that have been disassembled and are in disrepair. The rails are crooked and they are not running right. PROGRESSIVES have brought this American FREE MARKET train back down to the European railroad ties and rails, which is SOCIALISM.
That’s the tie: SOCIALISM. On the right rail in Europe, it’s Nazism and fascism. In Europe on the left rail, it’s communism. And SOCIALISM is what ties them together and allows both of them to run. It’s BIG GOVERNMENT socialized structure.
What are the ties in America? Faith, hope, charity, self-reliance, personal responsibility, accountability, honesty, integrity. They are the values and principles that are the ties. And they have been disintegrating. We haven’t been updating them. We haven’t been refreshing them. We haven’t been shoring them up. We’ve been taking them apart.
In America, what are the rails?
The first rail is the Constitution and the second rail is equal justice under the law. Washington said we’re a nation of laws, not of men. Meaning, Timothy Geithner, PAY YOUR TAXES! I have to. Meaning, you know and I know that if I did what Goldman Sachs did or any of these other weasels that are not being pointed out, I wouldn’t be getting bailed out. I’d go to jail; so would you. EQUAL JUSTICE.
It’s what Martin Luther King fought for. Now it’s been perverted. King didn’t say I want more justice. He said I want equal justice. Martin Luther King said, I have a dream. Where white children and black children can play together, can be together. That you will judge a man by the content of his character, not the color of his skin.
We’re talking about appointing a Supreme Court justice on diversity. Diversity? We should have CHARACTER! CHARACTER is a railroad tie, and we were told a decade ago that character doesn’t matter. YES IT DOES!
CHARACTER doesn’t matter in the European style system. If you have socialism, character doesn’t matter. Position matters. Power maters. Character doesn’t matter.
We cannot fix the free market system, because it’s not broken. The RAILROAD TIES are broken. Faith hope and charity are the answers. You’ve got to fix YOU!
The answer isn’t more government. YOU make the difference in your own life. Commit yourself today. I will be honest in all of my business dealings. I will be honest in everything I do. No matter what that truth is, I will seek the truth.
Seeking truth is a never-ending journey….
Thank God of our Founding Father, because it’s my right to pursue it because it makes me happy to pursue the truth. And that pursuit is going to cause tension.
Many Americans want to continue to live the lie that you can have everything, that character doesn’t matter, that you can rack up debt and it doesn’t matter. Getting them out of that lie is going to be uncomfortable.
But tension – struggle – is good. Violence is bad.
…Glenn Beck, Wednesday, April 21, 2010.
This newsletter was sent by e-mail to subscribers by Benton County Republicans, P.O. Box 808, Corvallis OR 97339. Our office is located in the Millrace Center at 1760 S.W. Third Street, Corvallis. Our telephone number is 754 9155. Please visit our website at
If you would like to subscribe to our e-mails, please make your subscription request HERE. Thank you. --J. Nelson
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