Sunday, March 28, 2010

Newsletter: Your Dearest Interests of Freedom are in Peril

March 28, 2010 Newsletter
“But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, “This was their finest hour.” --Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain, as the British Commonwealth was drawn into World War II.

You can make a difference for the future of freedom in America. - Recognize voter dissatisfaction with the Obama Administration and... act on it!
Before the 2008 election, Acorn went through Oregon to recruit Democrat voters. After the D’s trashed President Bush for eight years, people were sick of negativity and wanted a different approach.

Disaffected Republicans (lured by years of the media trumpeting every accusation and negative thing they could imagine about President Bush and Republicans in general), unaligned voters were easy marks for Acorn to cause them to change their voter registration.

In Benton County in June of 2008, Dem voters outnumbered Republicans by nearly 3,000. ACORN tried to meet every voter. They scoured the county three different times. The result? Republicans lost 2,000 registered voters. Democrats gained 4,000 voters. Today, the Democrats outnumber the Republicans by 8,500 voters!!!

What to do? We must recognize the general voter dissatisfaction with the current administration.



WE NEED YOU to do the telephone contacting. WE NEED YOU to be standing by, ready to deliver ballots to voters who want to re-register.

  • Beginning on April 1, those who may be open to changing Party registration will be telephoned on M-F from 5 to 8 p.m., on Saturday from 3-6 p.m. and on Sunday from 2-5 p.m.
  • When callers find a person who wants to change their party registration, drivers will be contacted, and they will take a voter registration form to the person you just contacted, wait for the voter to fill out the form, and bring it Republican HQ to be turned into the county Elections Office.
  • Telephoning must be completed by April 23, because in order to vote in the Republican Primary election you must be registered by April 24.
  • You choose when you can call. You may call from Benton County Republican Headquarters or from home.
  • You determine the hours that you are available to deliver ballots and return them to us.
  • You determine how much calling you can do, but know that WE NEED YOU. As long as voters are registered Democrat, they will receive a continuing barrage of Democrat propaganda.

Let’s work together and invite those folks who are beginning to see the Obama administration’s fallacies to register REPUBLICAN. INVITING PEOPLE TO REREGISTER AS REPUBLICANS CAN MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE IN THE RESULTS OF THE 2010 AND 2012 ELECTION.

To volunteer to be a caller, or if you have questions about this effort, please e-mail us with your name and contact information. In advance, we thank you for working with us to save our nation.


THURSDAY, APRIL 1: Benton County Republican Central Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m., King Tin Restaurant meeting room, 1857 NW 9th Street. Come hear our featured speakers with their message and their vision for Oregon and our country. Portland’s own Victoria Taft, conservative talk radio host on KPAM 860am and Scott Bruun, candidate for US House of Representatives, District 5. You’re invited to join us for a no-host dinner and meet and greet social hour at 6 p.m.

THURSDAY, APRIL 15: Join the National Tea Party Rally from 4 to 6 p.m. in Corvallis.
All across the nation, patriots will be speaking out with signs expressing their concerns about what is happening to our nation. Meet in the Hollywood Video parking lot (don’t park in front of the store… save space for their customers), then spread out to surround the block on Harrison, VanBuren, 3rd and 4th Streets. This will be a gigantic rally, and you’ve got a lot to say! Make signs on the issues that concern you. We need YOU to help save this nation!!

THURSDAY, APRIL 15: Benton County Republican Executive Committee meets at 7 p.m. at Republican Headquarters, 1760 S.W. Third Street in the Millrace Center.

FRIDAY, APRIL 16: Hear Karl Rove, former Deputy Chief of Staff and Advisor to Pres. George W. Bush. Mr. Rove will speak at the Ronald Reagan Tribute Gala, Friday, April 16, 2010, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., Riverhouse Convention Center, 3075 N. Business 97, Bend, OR 97701. Tickets for dinner, silent auction and book signing are $50 each. Mr. Rove is author of “Courage and Consequence—My Life as a Conservative in the Fight”
Tickets may be ordered by going to the Oregon Reagan PAC website.

MONDAY, APRIL 26: Benton County Republican Women meet at 277 NE Conifer Blvd. in the Club House at 11:30 a.m.

TUESDAY, APRIL 27: Americans For Prosperity (AFP) meets at Belle Vallee Wine Cellars, 804 NW Buchanan St. (upstairs), 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Directions: Turn east of the old Jiffy Lube building, follow the Belle Vallee signs around to the back.

SATURDAY, MAY 1: Primary election ballots arrive in your mailbox. They must be returned to the Benton County Elections office by 8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 18.


Oregon’s Attorney General John Kroger announced this week that Oregon will not be among the states who will sue the federal government to reject Obamacare. However, attorney generals for 37 other states are looking at joining the lawsuit.

Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats in Congress have begun a campaign to tell you how wonderful Obamacare is.

From an article by David Hogberg posted 3/23/2010
  1. You don’t want health insurance…you’re young, you need to minimize expenses because you’re starting a business. TOUGH. You must pay $750 annually anyway. (Sec 1501)

  2. You are healthy and want to pay for insurance that reflects that status. TOUGH. You must pay for coverage not only for yourself but for the guy who smokes three packs and drinks a gallon whiskey a day.(Sec 2701)

  3. You’d like to pay less in premiums by buying insurance with limits on coverage. TOUGH. Insurers will no longer be able to offer such policies. (Sec 2711)

  4. You want a policy that’s cheaper because it doesn’t cover preventive care. TOUGH. Even if customers wants that kind of policy, insurers can’t offer it. (Sec 2712)

  5. You’re an employer and want to offer coverage that doesn’t allow your employees’ slacker children to stay on the policy until age 26. TOUGH. Not allowed. (Sec 2714)

  6. You MUST buy a policy that covers ambulatory patient services, emergency services, hospitalization, maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment; prescription drugs; rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices; laboratory services; preventive and wellness services; chronic disease management; and pediatric services, including oral and vision care. Hey, you’re a single guy without children. TOUGH! Your policy must cover pediatric care. You’re a woman who can’t have children! TOUGH. Your policy must cover maternity services. You’re a teetotaler. TOUGH! Your policy must cover substance abuse treatment. (Sec 1302)

  7. You want a plan with lots of cost-sharing and low premiums. The best you can do is a “Bronze plan,” which provides benefits that are actuarially equivalent to 60% of the value of the benefits of the plan. Lower than that, TOUGH. Sec 1302(d)(1)(A)
    8. You’re a small business and want to offer policies with deductibles higher than $2,000 for individuals and $4,000 for families. TOUGH. (Sec 1302(C)(2)(A))

  8. If you are a large employer (at least 50 employees) and you do not want to provide health insurance to your employees, TOUGH. You will pay at least a $750 fine per employee. (Sec 1513)

  9. You are an employer who offers health flexible spending arrangements and your employees want to deduct more than $2,500 from their salaries for it. TOUGH. No can do. (Sec 9005 (i))

  10. You’re a physician and you don’t want the government telling you what to do. TOUGH. The Secretary of Health and Human Services is authorized to use your claims data to issue you reports that measure the resources you use, provide information on the quality of care you provide, and compare the resources you use to those used by other physicians. Of course, this will all be just for informational purposes. It’s not like the government will ever use it to intervene in your practice and patients’ care. Of course not. (Section 3003(i))

  11. If you’re a physician and want to own your own hospital, you must be an owner and have a “Medicare provider agreement by December 31, 2010. If you don’t have these by then, you are out of luck. Sec 6001(i)(1)(A)

  12. If you are a physician owner and want to expand your hospital, TOUGH. Well, unless it is located in a country where, over the last five years, population growth has been 150% of what it has been in the U.S. (Sec 6001(i) (3) (C))

  13. You are a health insurer and you want to raise premiums to meet costs. If that increase is deemed “unreasonable” by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, TOUGH. (Sec 1003)

  14. The government will extract a fee of $2.55 billion from pharmaceutical companies in 2010 (this fee increases to $3 billion in 2012, $3.5 billion in 2017, $4.2 billion in 2018, then settles at $2.8 billion in 2019), based on the percentage of brand-name drugs they sell in the U.S. If you have 10% of the market, you’ll pay $255,000,000 to the government in 2010. Think you, as a pharmaceutical executive, know better how to use that money, say for research and development? TOUGH. (Sec 9008 (b))

  15. The government will extract a 2.9% excise tax from medical device makers. A company’s share depends on its share of medical device sales in the U.S. You’d rather use that money for R&D? TOUGH. (Sec 1405)

  16. The government will extract a fee of $6.7 billion annually from insurance companies. A company’s share is based on net premiums + additional charges. Don’t like it? TOUGH.

  17. If you go for cosmetic surgery, you will pay an additional 5% tax on the cost of the procedure. Think you know how to spend that money better than the government? LIKE YOU NEED TO ASK. (Sec 9017)

    Has the Democratic Party ever enacted a law as atrocious as its government takeover of the American people's healthcare? Has the Democratic Party ever enacted a law so unpopular? Yes and Yes.

    In 1854, Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the presidency. Their top priority was to repeal the Missouri Compromise prohibition of slavery in the northern territories. The author of this infamous legislation, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, was Stephen Douglas, a Democrat Senator from Illinois and owner of a slave plantation in Mississippi.

    Senator Douglas claimed the law would be a final solution to the slavery question, so that Congress could move on to other issues. In fact, the Kansas-Nebraska Act sparked a political firestorm. Opponents of slavery - and the police state and economic stagnation that went with it - understood that, if unchecked, the slave system would expand throughout the territories and then the entire nation.

    As the Democrat-controlled Supreme Court would soon prove with its 7-2 Dred Scott decision (both Republicans dissenting), pro-freedom Americans feared that the judiciary would uphold the expansion of slavery. Many Democrats were already touting slavery (not for themselves, of course) for poor whites, too. "Free Society!" declared a prominent Democrat newspaper, "We sicken at the name!"

    Every American was forced to choose sides. One was either for the free market system or against it; there was no middle ground.

    As Alexis De Tocqueville observed: "Socialism is a new form of slavery." Today's congressional Democrats who voted to impose socialized medicine on the nation while exempting themselves should bear in mind Abraham Lincoln's words: "Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally."

    Denouncing the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Lincoln warned against submitting to political masters: "If there is anything which it is the duty of the whole people to never entrust to any hands but their own, that thing is the preservation and perpetuity, of their own liberties, and institutions."

    Not all Democrats went along with the Kansas-Nebraska Act. In protest, Charles Sumner, Salmon P. Chase and others - who would soon join the Republican Party - issued an Appeal of the Independent Democrats in Congress to the People of the United States:

    "We arraign [the Kansas-Nebraska Act] as a gross violation of a sacred pledge; as a criminal betrayal of precious rights; as part and parcel of an atrocious plot to exclude from a vast unoccupied region immigrants from the Old World and free laborers from our own States, and convert it into a dreary region of despotism, inhabited by masters and slaves.

    We appeal to the people. We warn you that the dearest interests of freedom and the Union are in imminent peril.

    For ourselves, we shall resist it by speech and vote, and with all the abilities which God has given us. Even if overcome in the impending struggle, we shall not submit. We shall go home to our constituents, erect anew the standard of freedom, and call on the people to come to the rescue of the country from the domination of slavery. We will not despair; for the cause of human freedom is the cause of God."

    Hey, America! They're talking to you.

This newsletter was sent by e-mail to subscribers by Benton County Republicans, P.O. Box 808, Corvallis OR 97339. Our office is located in the Millrace Center at 1760 S.W. Third Street, Corvallis. Our telephone number is 754 9155. Please visit our website at

If you would like to subscribe to our e-mails, please make your subscription request HERE. Thank you. --J. Nelson