Monday, March 8, 2010

Newsletter 3/7/10: Tired of Liberals Running your State/Country?

Benton Co. Republicans Newsletter
In this issue:

  • A Message from Chairman Bob Tiernan, "Why You Should Become a PCP"
  • Speak Up for Protection for our Active Duty Military and Retired Veterans!

Why You Should Become a PCP

How can you make a difference? Have you considered becoming a precinct Committee Person in your Precinct? PCPs are the lifeblood of the Republican Party. PCPs are the first elective office. You should become a PCP:
  • If you want to have the power to truly influence the direction of your party
  • If you want to have a say in which candidates are nominated
  • If you’re tired of standing by, complaining while liberals run your state—and your country
PCPs have a voice in what’s happening. As a PCP you’ll
  • Elect the leaders of the Benton County Republican Central Committee
  • Elect the delegates who go to the state and national Republican conventions
  • Your vote will help ensure that these delegates reflect your values and principles.
PCPs can get directly involved!
  • Learn how you can help candidates with their campaigns.
  • Recruit and organize volunteers.
  • Help with fundraising.
  • Leverage your organizational, motivational and managements skills in the service of your principles and ideals.
  • If you don’t possess these skills, being a PCP can help you develop them.
Be the face of the Republican Party in your precinct.
  • Get to know your neighbors and expand your circle of acquaintances.
  • Register new voters
What are the requirements to be a PCP?
  • Live in Benton County
  • Be registered as a Republican for at least 180 days before the May 18, 2010 election.
The deadline to register as a PCP candidate is Tuesday, March 9. To have a registration form delivered to your door, please e-mail TODAY. You can do this by replying HERE. And thank you for serving our Party.

Speak Up for Protection for our Active Duty Military and Retired Veterans!
  • Attend the "Support the Troops" rallies each Thursday from 12 NOON TO 1 P.M. at the corner of Philomath Blvd. and 53rd Streets.
  • Write the Chairman of the Committee on Armed Services in both the House and the Senate and ask them to lead support for currently serving and retired service members and the families and survivors.
Here are the issues:
  • Sustain the Defense budget at levels required to meet pressing needs for both personnel and weapons/equipment programs.

    • Some are tempted to cut back on personnel and family support programs because of mounting deficits. That would be a tragic mistake.
    • The planned build-up of forces in Afghanistan will increase deployment requirements and significant increase the heavy burdens imposed on military families.
    • Our military faces increased risk of traumatic injuries from repeated deployments. This may cause major retention problems. Making sure that our fighting force’s loved ones are not suffering from deprivation lessens the stress on our military men and women.

  • Protect the military and its retirees against unintended adverse consequences from national health care reform or VA health coverage, including Tricare for Life. In addition, guard against disproportional fee increases, such as those proposed in the recent past.
The uniformed services community is grateful for Congress’ strong support on these issues in the past. They depend on the Armed Services Committee to continue its leadership in support of those currently serving, as well as retired service members and their families and survivors.

Please address correspondence to:
    The Honorable Carl Levin (D-Michigan)
    Chairman, Committee on Armed Services
    U.S. Senate
    Washington, DC 20510

    The Honorable Ike Skelton (D-Missouri); Chairman
    Committee on Armed Services
    U.S. House of Representatives
    Washington, DC 20515

This newsletter was sent by e-mail to subscribers by Benton County Republicans, P.O. Box 808, Corvallis OR 97339. Our office is located in the Millrace Center at 1760 S.W. Third Street, Corvallis. Our telephone number is 754 9155. Please visit our website at

If you would like to subscribe to our e-mails, please make your subscription request HERE. Thank you. --J. Nelson