Saturday, March 6, 2010

Gore tied to Truman... No, not that Truman

CONSERVATIVE CAMP, 3/5/2010 by Robert Ditmar - Mr. Ditmar ties former Vice President Al Gore to The Truman Show in a semi-spoof piece entitled The Gore-man Show:

    "In the movie, The Truman Show, Jim Carrey portrays fictional character Truman Burbank, who has been living in an artificial world as the main star of a television reality soap opera called The Truman Show, airing 24 hours, 7 days a week. Unbeknown-st to Truman, everything around him, including his family, friends, wife, job, house, buildings and world are nothing more than facades, in which thousands of tiny, hidden cameras record his every move. Even the land, ocean and weather cycles in which he goes about his life are completely false, controlled by a maniacal director by the name of Christof in a control room hidden in “the sky” of a gigantic dome in which Truman’s world resides..."

    [...] "In many ways, Al Gore and his colleagues of the “man-made climate change” community have engineered a scam of a show much like Christof did to Truman. Originally coined “man-made global-warming,” Gore and his friends at the Climate Change Unit at the University of East Anglia have been creating a completely false world based on fraudulent data..." Read more at Conservative Camp...
I might not have posted and linked to this piece except for the Alinsky tactics used against anyone who questioned that the "science was settled" regarding global warming/climate change, the draconian fixes and proposed legislation, without true debate. Republicans do not oppose clean water, air, the health of the planet and honest scientific inquiry. Conservation is a hallmark of the Republican Party and conservatives in general. -bc