Monday, September 7, 2009

Newsletter: Benton Co. Republicans, Sept. 7, TEA Party, Costuitution Day

The American’s Creed
I believe in the United States as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States, a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.

I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag and to defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic. --- written in 1917 by William Tyler Page; accepted by the U.S. House of Representatives April 3, 1918

See Calendar of Events, GOP Report and Tidbits.

Calendar of Coming Events

  • SEPTEMBER 17, 12:00 NOON - CONSTITUTION DAY, Benton County Courthouse. Holly Swanson will speak on saving our nation and its Constitution.
  • SEPTEMBER 17, 4:00 TO 6:00 P.M. - TEA PARTY in front of the Benton County Courthouse. Please invite your friends to attend and make this the largest TEA PARTY ever! There are so many issues that need your support, so SPEAK OUT by attending with your sign.
  • SEPTEMBER 19, 2:00 TO 7:30 P.M. - GATHERING OF THE EAGLES. 3rd Annual Celebration of Freedom and Bar-B-Q at the Ames Ranch Estate, 4135 Paradise Hill Dr SE, Turner OR. Catered family style barbecue picnic. YOU MUST PREREGISTER. Admission: adults $25, $45 per couple; Youth (age 14-17) $15; Children (age 0-13) FREE. RSVP by September 12th at Write your check to Dr. Wm. Ames Curtright, PO Box 1350, Jefferson OR 97352. Speaker: Tom Delay, former conservative member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Texas (1986 to 2006). To have your copy of Tom Delay’s book “No Retreat, No Surrender” autographed at the gala, order your book now at
  • SEPTEMBER 26-27 - FALL FESTIVAL. Volunteers needed for the Republican food booth at the Fall Festival, September 26 and 27. Benton county Republicans depend on the revenue earned by selling spaghetti, grilled Italian bread, beverages and hot fudge sundaes. So please tell us that you’ll help by sending us your name and phone number. Please REPLY HERE to volunteer. We need YOUR help. --Thank you.
  • SEPTEMBER 28, 11:30 A.M. - Benton County Republican Women meet at the Salbasgeon Suites, 1730 NW 9th Street, Corvallis. Luncheon and speaker.

ORP Chair Tiernan Responds to Kitzhaber Candidacy Announcement

“At a time when Oregon’s unemployment is among the highest in the country and our own state economists predict that our economic recovery will be slow with tough times ahead, Oregonians deserve new ideas and solutions to get our economy and state headed in the right direction.

John Kitzhaber’s candidacy represents more of the same – higher taxes and increased government spending – instead of ideas to lead our state in a new direction. You don’t have to look any farther than the $2 billion in new taxes and fees passed by the Legislature this session.

Kitzhaber supports these new taxes and new higher government spending, including the two massive job-killing taxes that will be rejected by the people of Oregon in January,” Chairman Tiernan said.

“John Kitzhaber and the Democrats have had their chance to lead Oregon and look where it’s gotten us – the highest income tax and the 5th highest unemployment in the nation. Oregonians want a new direction and new ideas for our state and that won’t include John Kitzhaber as Governor again,” concluded Chairman Tiernan.



Patsy Anderson sends word that President Barack Obama's "Green Jobs Czar" quit Saturday after pressure mounted over his extremist history. The last straw for Jones was being caught on tape in an expletive-packed rant, directly attacking Republicans in the Senate who he said abused their majority position in the past to push legislation through. He admitted after the statements were released that the comments were "inappropriate" and "offensive." "They do not reflect the experience I have had since joining the administration," Jones said in the statement.

Jones was also linked late last week to efforts suggesting a government role in the Sept. 11 terror attacks and to derogatory comments about Republicans.


With the help of the Obama administration, a coalition is launching a public relations campaign to try to change 9/11 from a day of reflection and remembrance (which they consider to be tools of the Republicans) to a day of activism, food banks, and community gardens. The administration's plans were outlined in an Aug. 11 White House-sponsored teleconference call run by Obama ally Lennox Yearwood, president of the Hip Hop Caucus, and Liv Havstad, the group's senior vice president of strategic partnerships and programs. At no time does anyone explain why this National Day of Service has to be held -- of all the 365 days in a year -- on Sept. 11.


Michelle Malkin reports the Obama administration says money from pharmaceutical firms and the health care industry is dirty, evil and corrupting—except when key members of team Obama are pocketing it. Three weeks ago, the White House embraced $150 million in drug industry ads supporting Obamacare. Last week, Bloomberg News reported that White House senior adviser and chief campaign strategist David Axelrod’s former public relations firm AKPD Message and Media, has raked in some $24 million in ad contracts supporting Obamacare—along with another PR firm, GMMB, run by other Obama strategists. The ads are funded by Big Pharama, AARP, AMA and Service Employees International Union (which dumped $80 million in independent expenditures to get Mr. Obama and the Democratic majority elected).


Obama’s Popularity Plummets (from Charles Krauthammer, “Obama the Mortal”, Friday, September 4, 2009)

What happened to bring Pres. Obama’s popularity down further than that of any new president in polling history save Gerald Ford? From 80% approval to somewhere between 42% and 49%, depending on the pollster, is a huge drop!
  1. Obama’s extreme leftist associates mirror his attitudes. His vision of America, beginning with his first address to Congress, contained the boldest far-left social democratic manifesto ever issued by a U.S. president.
  2. Pres. Obama greatly misread his mandate. Winning by a mere seven points in a year of true economic catastrophe, of a very unpopular republican incumbent and a politically weak and unsteady opponent, Obama nevertheless imagined that he had won the kind of banana-republic plebiscite that grants authority to remake everything in one’s own image, said Fouad Ajami. Obama unveiled his plans for a grand makeover of the American system, with greatly enlarged state power, government spending and national debt.
  3. The public resisted Obama’s plans. TEA PARTIES sprang up across the nation. Obama’s reaction made things worse. He and his supporters called the resistance a racist mob. All the while the administration was cutting quiet, opaque backroom deals with every manner of special interest, exchanging favors for $ billions.
  4. Obama undertook a summer campaign to enlighten the masses by addressing the objections to his reforms, and things got worse. Obama jeopardized the trust of the people. He overstated the need for reform, promised that his changes would have no effect on us, either didn’t know or purposely misled the public, and said that he would expand coverage while reducing deficits—inspiring incredulity and mistrust. We BRISTLED. Meanwhile, Obama continued to centralize power, govern left, believe his press, disdain citizens and organize resistance against what citizens were saying.
Obama will never be the same. He’s been shown to be a mere mortal. For a man who only recently bred a cult, for his acolytes, it is a crushing disappointment. Like other flailing presidents, he will try to salvage a cherished reform -- and his own standing -- with yet another prime-time speech.

But for the first time since election night in Grant Park, he will appear in the most unfamiliar of guises -- mere mortal, a treacherous transformation to which a man of Obama's supreme self-regard may never adapt.


This e-mail is sent to you by Benton County Republicans, P.O. Box 808, Corvallis OR 97339. Our office is located in the Millrace Center at 1760 S.W. Third Street, Corvallis. Our telephone number is 754 9155. Please visit our website at

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