If this doesn't send your pocket book screaming, nothing will. Out debt exceed our gross domestic product. Your personal share of the debt is over $191,000 each! WOW! See the Mother of all Clocks! If THIS doesn't shock the living day-lights out of you....I don't know what would! Be certain to read the comments at the very end...you must click on "about" (at the very bottom of the Clock page).
Benton Co. Republicans have authorized a new activist group, “Protect the Republic.”
This group will cooperate with patriots who are concerned about issues and policies that pose a threat to our Constitution and our freedoms. If you’d like to learn more about “Protect the Republic” just reply to this e-mail and we’ll send you more information. Your support is needed!!
Following are opportunities for involvement:
Portland, Ore. – Friday August 14th – Oregon Republican Party Chairman Bob Tiernan called on all Oregonians to oppose the job-killing taxes that were passed this June by the Democrat-controlled state Legislature. He asked all voters who are registered to sign the petition to refer the two major taxes on the ballot.
"We are down to 41 days in which to gather signatures for our cause - it's up to each and everyone one of you who agree that we just can't afford more job-killing taxes to stand up, sign the petitions, and then call your friends and tell them why they should sign the tax petitions too," said Chairman Tiernan.
How can you get involved?
- You can call our local petition chair Linda Weimer at 740-1736 to learn how to circulate the petitions and for your copies of the petition; or...
- Call the Oregon Republican Party at 503-595-8881 to learn more about the issues and where you can pick up petitions
- Go to the ORP's website to watch the training videos for signature gathering
- Contact ORP Field Organizer Kevin Hoar by email or at 503-595-8881 about the Great Tax Rebellion Day on August 21st
- Download an e-petition from the ORP's website, print it, sign it and sent it in
- Forward the e-petition link to your friends and family and get them to sign as well!
Benton County Unnecessarily Plans to Spend Your Resources to Enforce the Endangered Species Act and Take Over Private Property
On July 5, 2009, the Corvallis G-T ran a front page article inviting people to designate their property as a home for the Fender’s Blue Butterfly, which is on the Endangered Species List. People were invited to sign up throughout Benton County to plant lupine on their property as food for the butterfly which would encourage it to forage on new lands.
The Wren-Kings Valley area is the area where the lupine and the butterfly are currently found, and many of the land owners in this area are angry about being told what they can do on their land. A designated area becomes an area where the government dictates if there can be new development and of course no habitat can be disturbed without big government involvement.
Unnecessarily, Benton County is set to spend $800,000 to take over the job of enforcing the Endangered Species Act and to create conservation easements through purchase of land. Jerry Jackson, candidate for Benton County Commissioner, feels strongly that the county should not be a regulatory means for the Endangered Species Act.
Jerry says that the current draft habitat conservation plan should become non-regulatory and have no authority to add to any additional species, restrictions and or to purchase private property to create conservation easements in the so-called “blue zones” (See the article in July 5 G-T).
During the semi-annual Benton County budget process, budget shortfalls were discussed and the Board of Commissioners publicly admitted that the county does not have enough money to operate in the future without spending down their reserves. You don't have to go any further than Starker Forests in western Benton County to see we have great stewards of the forest in place without wasting more than $800,000 on a study to regulate your lands.
The next Stakeholder Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, August 20th, 10am-Noon at the Corvallis-Benton County public library in downtown Corvallis. Here’s where you can do something to influence the progress of this encroachment on private property rights. CALL THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND ASK THAT THE MEETING BE MOVED FROM DAYTIME TO THE EVENING SO THAT MORE PEOPLE CAN ATTEND!!! Then proceed to learn all you can about this government encroachment on private property.
The August 20 meeting will be a work session to discuss the revised draft Benton County HCP. HCP Staff have been working to revise the document since the close of the 90-day draft HCP comment period in April of this year. The County plans to release the revised draft HCP, including the Prairie Conservation Strategy (an Appendix), for an additional 30 day comment period this September. The agenda will be posted on the Benton County HCP website soon at www.co.benton.or.us/parks/hcp/stakeholder.php.
Important Events
- Monday, August 17, 11 a.m. - Picket the Service Employees International Union (S.E.I.U.) office at 606 S.W. 15th Street, Corvallis to protest Pres. Obama’s request for S.E.I.U. members to strongarm people at several Town Hall meetings across the nation.
- Tuesday, August 18, Carpooling: 7:30 a.m. - Be at Republican Headquarters, 1760 S.W. Third Street, Corvallis to ride as a group to the Town Hall meeting sponsored by Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-U.S.Cong.Dist.4 from Oregon). There will be no August midvalley Town Hall meetings by any Congressman, and the closest meeting will be Rep. DeFazio’s Town Hall in Junction City’s city hall from 9 to 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug 18.
If you can’t attend in the morning, Rep. DeFazio will hold two other Town Hall meetings on Tuesday: 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. at the Eugene Hilton and Convention Center, 66 East 6th Av., Eugene; and 7 to 8 p.m. in the Springfield City Council meeting room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield. IF YOU DON’T WANT TO LOSE YOUR COUNTRY, STAND UP AND BE COUNTED! - Thursday, August 20, 10 a.m. - Stakeholder Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, August 20th, 10am-Noon at the Corvallis-Benton County public library in downtown Corvallis.
- Thursday, August 20, 5 p.m. - Annual Republican Barbecue! This year it’s in the Beer Garden at The Philomath Frolic Rodeo Grounds, 502 S. 13th Street, Philomath. Come enjoy Sandy’s fabulous Tri-tip or chicken barbecue!! Bring the whole family for lots of fun, music, and word from the campaign trail. You’re invited to bring a dessert to share (no cream desserts, please). Call message line for tickets: (541) 754 9155 (Look for signs telling you to turn south on 11th Street for easy access, since there is road work on S. 13th St. After you cross Applegate, proceed on South 11th. Look for the gate, which will be open (the road will take a slight left angle as you proceed to the gate. Stay on the road, which will lead you to the Benton County Republican Barbecue! EASY!)
This e-mail is sent to you by Benton County Republicans, P.O. Box 808, Corvallis OR 97339. Our office is located in the Millrace Center at 1760 S.W. Third Street, Corvallis. Our telephone number is 754 9155. Please visit our website at http://bentongop.blogspot.com.
If you would like to subscribe to our e-mails, please make your subscription request HERE. Thank you. J. Nelson
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