Saturday, March 28, 2009

Cap-and-Trade in trouble on Capitol Hill

AMERICAN DEBATE, 3/25, Tension on the ocean liner by Dick Polman - In Obama’s ideal world, the cap-and-trade program would be folded into the budget; under Senate rules, the budget can be passed with a mere 51 votes…and, remember, the Senate Democrats on paper have 58 votes. But because so many Senate Democrats have signaled that they want cap-and-trade removed from the budget - eight of them, including Pennsylvania’s Bob Casey and Indiana’s Evan Bayh, have already put this in writing - that would appear to put the kibosh on easy passage of Obama’s signature environmental idea.

The alternative scenario is for cap-and-trade to move along as separate legislation, but that would require a filibuster-proof 60 votes for passage. Good luck to that. Translation: Cap-and-trade is probably dead this year, if not next year as well. Read it all at American Debate...