Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Clackamas County to Ditch ICLEI Membership While Portland Spends and Spends

An announcement of momentous import was made at the April 26th 2012 Board of County Commissioners meeting of Clackamas County, Oregon.  Commissioner Jamie Damon revealed that Clackamas County would not be renewing their membership in “ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability USA” at the next annual dues deadline.  Commissioner Jamie Damon stated, “This was brought up several business meetings ago, and I was unfamiliar with the organization, so I did some research and looked up the organization as well.  And we have decided to not continue as members of ICLEI.  So I just wanted to let you know that.” The remaining crowd in the room erupted in applause.  It was nearly at the end of the meeting around one hour fifty nine minutes (video on their web).  Read more at Red County/Colony Rabble...