Thursday, April 23, 2015

Scott Walker Celebrates Earth Day by Proposing To Fire 57 Environmental Agency Employees

Happy Earth Day! Today is a day we can all band together and share our love for this beautiful planet—or at least drown our sorrows about climate change with nerdy themed cocktails. Later today, President Barack Obama will mark the occasion with a climate-focused speech in the Florida Everglades. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a frontrunner for the GOP presidential nomination, had a different idea: Fire a big chunk of the state's environmental staff.

Read more at Mother Jones


Brainchild said...

Missing content from Mother Jones article is provided by Mr.Elroy in Comments: "Wisconsin Dept. Of Natural Resources has a staff of 2900 people. After this "big chunk" of 57 gets laid off, there will be still 2843 to tend to the tap water, so you'll probably be OK." --bc