Thursday, November 27, 2014

This #Ferguson Area Strip Mall Didn’t Get Looted Last Night, Can You Guess Why?

Back in August during the first round of riots in Ferguson a strip mall was saved from looting and destruction by a brave group of men (pictured above) armed with guns:  Nobody is robbing St. Louis Ink Tattoo Studio anytime soon. Or County Guns, for that matter.  The two north county businesses share a storefront in a Florissant strip mall less than ten minute drive from the epicenter of last night’s riots in Ferguson. After nightfall, what began as a community’s peaceful demonstration against the Ferguson Police Department’s shooting of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown turned increasingly violent. Crowds plundered a QuikTrip and burned it to the ground, and local news began reporting brazen raids on other stores in the area.

Read more at the Federalist Papers Blog