Saturday, August 16, 2014

Who is Trevor Loudon and Why Does He Insist the Tea Party Must Take over the Republican Party?

All of us struggle to make sense out of what we see around us, and we're frustrated because we can't.  For example, what sense does it make for an unknown Illinois senator who has accomplished nothing on a scale larger than a neighborhood get elected President of the United States?  Why do labor unions continually support democrats when Obamacare is wrecking their members' benefits, and the immigration bill, if passed, will do nothing but lower wages?  Why does the Attorney General of the United States think he can stonewall congress, be charged with contempt, and continue to stonewall?  Why does any congress vote for any bill that will affect 20% of the economy of this country without reading it or knowing its cost?  Why does Obama support the elimination of gun ownership when he knows banning guns will not reduce gun crime?  Why do most blacks support the Democratic Party and agenda when it is obvious it has locked them into
Read more at Freedom Outpost