Sunday, February 16, 2014

DAVID LIMBAUGH: Americans, where have you gone?

Recently, I saw a photoshopped depiction of Charles Manson next to an unborn baby, and the caption suggested that liberals are more interested in protecting Manson than they are the baby. It got me to thinking. ✧ Yes, it got me to thinking about the absurd positions modern liberals hold, which wouldn’t be nearly so disturbing but for the fact that I’m not talking about fringe liberals. I’m talking about mainstream liberals, who control the Democratic Party, the old media, the executive branch of the federal government, the U.S. Senate, the U.S. Supreme Court half the time, the mammoth federal bureaucracy, many state governments, our universities, our national educational establishment and other cultural institutions. ✧ It still may be true that significantly more Americans self-identify as conservatives than as liberals, but liberals are calculating visionaries by nature, and with decades of planning and activism, they’ve exercised influence wholly disproportional to their numbers. Their Orwellian mindset oozes intolerance for opposing viewpoints and, with their cultural bullying, they’ve effectively scared many conservatives and other non-liberals into silence.

Read more (including a short sampling of the Obama/Democratic/liberal agenda and record) at Rare