Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Deaf students' fortunes a contrast to blind school

STATESMAN JOURNAL/OPINION, 9/19/2010 - "While on the one hand I am thrilled with what "Extreme Makeover" has been able to do for the students of the Oregon School for the Deaf, I cannot help but contrast their fortune to the misfortune of the students at the Oregon School for the Blind. ∴ As Oregonians, we should feel ashamed by what has been done to current and future blind children with the dismantling of the blind school. — Pam Coxen, Salem


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more on being ashamed of our legislature (lead by D-Sarah Gelser)for closing our only Oregon School for the Blind. These students need specialized education that I don't believe they will be able to receive in regular classrooms. This closure does a grave disservice to an exceptionally needy and deserving segment of our student population. Sarah Gelser led the efforts in this closure and I disagree with this outcome.