Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Avoid the Gerrymander, sign the petition (#50 Redistricting)

Printed in 1812, this political cartoon illustrates the electoral districts drawn by the Massachusetts legislature to favor the incumbent Democratic-Republican party candidates of Governor Elbridge Gerry over the Federalists. The cartoon depicts the bizarre shape of a district in Essex County, Massachusetts as a dragon. The painter, Gilbert Stuart, likened it to a salamander, and the editor, Benjamin Russel, advised "Better say a Gerrymander." The name stuck.

"In order to establish an independent, non-partisan commission to carry out reapportionment of legislative districts and to avoid partisan, self-interested action by legislators in drawing legislative district lines, the Constitution of the State of Oregon is amended by repealing section 6, Article IV, and by adopting the following new section 6 in lieu thereof: Read text of the INDEPENDENT REDISTRICTING COMMISSION AMENDMENT (#50)...

Let's get this constitutional amendment on the Oregon ballot and let the voters decide! Sign the State initiative #50! Call Benton County Republican Headquarters (541) 754-9155 for more information.