Thursday, April 1, 2010

Republicans Warned to Focus on the Economy

BELMONT CLUB, 2/26/2010 by Richard Fernandez, The Gathering Storm - Jay Cost says the Republicans have got messaging on Obamacare completely wrong. He believes it’s wrong to be talking in terms of repealing the health care “reform” bill since that somehow sounds like being against mom and apple pie. No. Cost says the Republicans should simply talk about the economy. Focus on it like a laser beam. Because once the economy is [in] front of everyone like a dead and gutted fish it will be perfectly obvious to everyone there’s no way Obamacare can be funded. Or maybe not. Maybe if we think happy thoughts all the bad things will go away. Ezra Klein at the Washington Post says talk like that is dangerous. It’s “fear-mongering”. Read more about the economy at the Belmont Club...

Related: - GOP Sees Risks in Push to Repeal Health Law