Saturday, April 3, 2010

Political rights distinct from natural rights

AMERICAN THINKER, 4/3/2010 by Geoffrey P. Hunt - Who Will Guarantee ObamaCare Rights When the Duty-Bound Refuse? [...] Since the post-WWII period, duties as the enabler of rights have been conveniently and deliberately dismissed or harnessed only to a fading minority. The most expensive newly created rights have been of the social contract entitlement variety, imposed by unelected judges, executive orders, or one-party votes. ObamaCare is the latest, most dramatic expansion of rights-centric social contract provisions for beneficiaries who shoulder none of the burdens. These newly created health care rights with sweeping social welfare giveaways for a few are also accompanied by diminished rights for the many -- most acutely, confiscation of property, loss of due process, and diminished personal liberty. Read more at American Thinker...