Friday, March 19, 2010

DeFazio Switches 'Yes' Vote to 'No' on Health Care Bill (unless...)

UPDATE: DeFazio voted "Yes.", 3/19/2010 - The vote tally on health care reform is starting to look like the Dow. ∴ Just when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seemed to be one vote shy of the 216 she needs for health care reform to pass, a Democrat [DeFazio] who voted for the bill last year says he's switching his vote to no. ∴ [...] But he indicated he could still change his mind again.

    "I'm a no unless they fix this," he said, referring to what he sees as insufficient Medicare spending in rural areas."
Read more at FOX...

Note: Rep. Boccieri (D-OH) switched his vote from no to yes. Try to keep up with the health care vote switching at National Journal's Hotline On Call.