Monday, October 12, 2009

'Evil' oil men may help Europe become less dependent on Russia

AMERICAN THINKER, 10/11/2009 by Rick Moran - While flogging the reputation of American oil men for being greedy and evil, those very same companies may be Europe's answer getting out from underneath Russia's heel when it comes to natural gas deliveries. ∴ A new way to squeeze natural gas out of oil shale is revolutionizing the industry and Europe appears ready to jump into the market with both feet:

A new technique that tapped previously inaccessible supplies of natural gas in the United States is spreading to the rest of the world, raising hopes of a huge expansion in global reserves of the cleanest fossil fuel. Italian and Norwegian oil engineers and geologists have arrived in Texas, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania to learn how to extract gas from layers of a black rock called shale. Companies are leasing huge tracts of land across Europe for exploration. And oil executives are gathering rocks and scrutinizing Asian and North African geological maps in search of other fields. Read more at American Thinker...