Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Why Are We Still Listening to Progressives About the Environment?, 9/2/2009, GLENN BECK (Transcript) - Your food is going to cost more, some products will be much harder to get and I'll tell you why: California's farmers are suffering through an environmental crisis and the government is only making it worse. ∴ The Central Valley is a 400-mile long area spanning 18 counties in California, which is responsible for 57 percent of the state's total farming. And when you consider that California represents about 13 percent of farm receipts in America, it's going to make almonds, artichokes, olives, nectarines, grapes, strawberries, peaches, lettuce and plums harder to get. ∴ The Central Valley has already been hit with a severe drought, which Washington managed to make much, much worse. The Wall Street Journal reports that federal environmental rulings (designed to protect the delta smelt) have reduced water shipments to local farmers to just 10 percent of what they had been getting. Read more at Foz News...