Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tackling the Great Divide

WASHINGTON POST, 9/2/2009 by Kathleen Parker - Can the GOP Speak to Blacks? COLUMBIA, S.C.: When people think of South Carolina, they think of . . . I know, Comedy Central. Given the state's generosity in providing punch lines, Jon Stewart really ought to consider taking a pay cut. ∴ What people do not typically think of is black Republicans, a perception that could change soon if a young man named Marvin Rogers has his way. This 33-year-old, Spanish-speaking former aide to South Carolina Rep. Bob Inglis has a plan for the GOP: He wants to change its complexion. Read more at the Washington Post...

Hat tip: John H. Detweiler
John wrote, "The way for Republicans to attract black voters is pretty simple, says Rogers: Show up and solve problems." I suspect that is the way to attract white voters too.