CORVALLIS GAZETTE-TIMES/OPINION,9/10/2009 by Jean Nelson - Mad (mad) n. - adj. 1. mentally disturbed or deranged; insane; demented. 2. enraged or irritated; angry. 6. extremely foolish or unwise; imprudent; irrational. Webster's Dictionary (1989). ∴ "Mad" M.D.s? The terminology leaves much to be desired. ∴ We need people who will think through all sides of the health-care issue. ∴ Here are a few problems:
- Health care bills before Congress would drastically increase government control of our economy and our lives! The health-care industry is worth $2.5 trillion a year.
- More than 88 million Americans will lose their private insurance if a government competitor is created. The "government option" would quickly become the only option. (Lewin study.)
- Businesses will be charged $40 to $50 billion a year, resulting in millions of people losing their jobs.
- Congressional Budget Office analysis shows that the plans being proposed won't lower costs, but instead will raise them by $239 billion. HR 3200 creates 53 new programs, offices and bureaucracies.
- Extending coverage to 50 million new people - without new doctors or nurses or equipment or hospitals - will create a scarcity that will lead to rationing, to the disadvantage of those over 65.
- The American people are afraid of current massive government spending with its huge debt. Our nation pays billions in interest each year. A radical and expensive transformation during a major recession, funded by a huge budget deficit, is unwise!
We DO need to fix America's health system, but not by destroying America. Solutions must consider our country's present situation.
Jean Nelson, Corvallis
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