Monday, August 31, 2009

Newsletter: Benton Co. Republicans, Aug. 31

“The republican is the only form of government which is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of mankind.” --Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president of the United States of America and main author of the Declaration of Independence

Please do not contact the White House to leave any message for Pres. Obama. We encourage you to contact members of Congress about your concerns, but DO NOT contact the White House. Reasons will soon be made public, and you should receive a full explanation for this action. Thank you.


  • September 3 - Benton Co. Republican Central Committee meets at Salbasgeon Suites, 1730 N.W. 9th Street. Social hour at 6:30 p.m.; meeting at 7:00 p.m.
  • September 17 Constitution Day program at 12:00 noon at Benton County Courthouse on the South lawn. Sponsored by Benton Co. Republican Women. All are invited to attend.
  • September 17 TEA PARTY at 4 p.m. in front of Benton County Courthouse.
  • September 18 Great Tax Rebellion Finale. Help gather signatures for the four Referendum petitions to put the mistakes by Oregon’s Democrat Legislature to a vote of the people. Call Benton Co. Republican HQ on Monday, Aug. 31, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to volunteer.
  • September 19 “Gathering of the Eagles”. You are invited to a celebration of freedom And Bar-B-Que at The Ames Ranch Estate, 4135 Paradise Hill Drive SE, Turner, Oregon. Featured speakers: former U.S. Senator Tom Delay; Tim Phillips, Nat. Pres. of Americans for Prosperity; Bob Tiernan, chairman, Oregon Republican Party; Denny Smith, former U.S. Congressman from Oregon; Lars Larson; Russ Walker of Freedom Works. Top-notch speakers and entertainment. RSVP by Sept 12 at Make checks payable to Dr. Wm Ames Curtright.
  • September 26 TAKE the FIELD With GLENN BECK. Glenn Beck will be at Safeco Field in Seattle, WA. Buses leave from the Monarch Hotel off I-205 at 93rd Av at 8:15 a.m. and return at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available by contacting Nancy *via email) or call 503.242.0900 to register. Advance payment is required. Tickets, including transportation, range from $75-$150.

The Gas Tax just signed into law by Gov. Kulongoski is a myriad of issues all crammed into one bill, and Hasso Hering, editor of the Albany Democrat Herald, recommends that we force the legislature to take another look at the issues next session, one by one.

House Bill 2001, known as the Gas Tax bill, increases vehicle registration fees and gives Oregonians higher gas taxes to fund multimodal projects, provides for some highway construction, funds studying congestion pricing to manage traffic jams without building more roads, and even provides for contracting for the management of freeway rest areas (that’s where the cookie section comes in) — all those things may be worth doing, but Hering says, “Why include them all in the same monumental bill?

“Maybe the legislators and their constituents would have liked a little better opportunity to think about all these subjects separately, and ask the voters too.

That’s where the referendum comes in. If the bill is blocked and then voted down, the 2011 legislature can look at all these issues again, one by one.” LET’S GET IT ON THE BALLOT!

Tax Referral Signatures Still Needed to Help Kill New Taxes!
With only 28 days left, we are still collecting signatures - please download your e-petition today, or contact the ORP for more information.
  • Call the Oregon Republican Party at 503-595-8881 to learn more about the issues and where you can pick up petitions
  • Go to the ORP's website to watch the training videos for signature gathering
  • Contact ORP Field Organizer Kevin Hoar by email or at 503-595-8881 about contacts in your county
  • Download an e-petition from the ORP's website, print it, sign it and send it in
  • Forward the e-petition link to your friends and family and get them to sign.

ORP Chairman Tiernan Endorses New Senior Health Care Bill of Rights
Portland, Ore. – On Monday, Oregon Republican Party Chairman Bob Tiernan issued the following statement about the Seniors’ Health Care Bill of Rights and the importance of protecting health care for America’s seniors and veterans.

“Senior citizens will face significant consequences because of President Obama’s plans to finance his government-run health care experiment by cutting over $500 billion from Medicare; which is why Oregon Republicans wholeheartedly stand behind the Seniors’ Health Care Bill of Rights. Republicans want smart health care reform that does no harm to seniors, lowers health care costs, preserves quality care and keeps patients in charge of their health care. But the President’s plan will do just the opposite. It is our responsibility to ensure senior citizens have access to quality health care and we need to start by protecting Medicare, keeping health care decisions between patients and their doctors, keeping the government from interfering in end-of-life decisions, outlawing any government effort to ration health care, and ensuring that we keep our obligation to care for America’s veterans.

"Seniors are clearly concerned about the Democrats’ experiment with public support dropping like a rock. The people of Oregon deserve an open and honest discussion about important health care decisions. It’s time for President Obama and the Congressional Democrats to rethink funding their big-government experiment on the backs of senior citizens,” concluded Chairman Tiernan.


  • PROTECT MEDICARE AND NOT CUT IT IN THE NAME OF HEALTH CARE REFORM: President Obama and Congressional Democrats are promoting a government-run health care experiment that will cut over $500 billion from Medicare to be used to pay for their plan. Medicare should not be raided to pay for another entitlement.
  • PROHIBIT GOVERNMENT FROM GETTING BETWEEN SENIORS AND THEIR DOCTORS: The Democrats’ government-run health care experiment will give patients less power to control their own medical decisions, and create government boards that would decide what treatments would or wouldn’t be funded. Republicans believe in patient-centered reforms that put the priorities of seniors before government.
  • PROHIBIT EFFORTS TO RATION HEALTH CARE BASED ON AGE: The Democrats’ government-run health care experiment would set up a “comparative effectiveness research commission” where health care treatment decisions could be limited based on a patient’s age. Republicans believe that health care decisions are best left up to seniors and their doctors.
  • PREVENT GOVERNMENT FROM INTERFERING WITH END-OF-LIFE CARE DISCUSSIONS: The Democrats’ government-run health care experiment would have seniors meet with a doctor to discuss end-of-life care that could mean limiting treatment. Republicans believe that government should not interfere with end-of-life care discussions between a patient and a doctor.
  • ENSURE SENIORS CAN KEEP THEIR CURRENT COVERAGE: As Democrats continue to propose steep cuts to Medicare in order to pay for their government-run health care experiment, these cuts threaten millions of seniors with being forced from their current Medicare Advantage plans. Republicans believe that seniors should not be targeted by a government-run health care bill and forced out of their current Medicare coverage.
  • PROTECT VETERANS BY PRESERVING TRICARE AND OTHER BENEFIT PROGRAMS FOR MILITARY FAMILIES: Democrats recently proposed raising veterans’ costs for the Tricare For Life program that many veterans rely on for treatment. Republicans oppose increasing the burden on our veterans and believe America should honor our promises to them.
Go to the Oregon Republican Party website to read the complete Seniors' Health Care Bill of Rights .


The House-passed climate change bill (Cap & Trade), if enacted, would expand the federal government so much that it would take BILLIONS of dollars and thousands of new employees to implement, says the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

Government’s expansion would cost $8 billion over a 10-year period. For the bill to operate effectively, nearly 1,500 regulations and mandates would have to be approved for at least 21 federal agencies. The rule-making process alone would take years.

In town hall meetings across the country, your roar is being heard in Washington and around the globe. Newspapers in Europe and Asia are writing about demonstrators’ effectiveness. Many people are predicting that Obamacare will crash and burn. The idea of the federal government operating another health insurance business to compete with Blue Cross Blue Shield and hundreds of other private plans is the victim of a massive grass-roots protest movement and deepening fears and divisions among Democrat lawmakers.

Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet.

The Drudge report said yesterday that Jay Rockefeller and Olympia Snowe’s secret revised version still appears to permit the president to seize temporary control of private-sector networks during a so-called cybersecurity emergency. An industry representative says the bill is “troubling because of its vagueness.”

When coupled with Pres. Obama’s plan to create a security force more powerful than the U.S. military, critics worry that the President is building a force that could give him dictatorial powers. “The first thing that a commander does in a successful invasion is to take out all communication powers,” observed a recent blogger.

This e-mail is sent to you by Benton County Republicans, P.O. Box 808, Corvallis OR 97339. Our office is located in the Millrace Center at 1760 S.W. Third Street, Corvallis. Our telephone number is 754 9155. Please visit our website at

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