Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Obama 2004: Bush Rushed Legislation Through Congress Without Allowing Time to Read Or Debate

NEWS BUSTERS, 7/27/2009 by P.J. Gladnick - (UPDATE: This story has been discussed by Rush Limbaugh.) ∴ Hypocrisy alert! ∴ A heretofore "unknown" 2004 interview with Barack Obama by leftwing radio host Randi Rhodes has just emerged. And basically, as you shall hear, Obama is saying do as I say, not as I do. In this case he was referring to quickly forcing legislation through congress. As you can hear in this interview, uncovered by Naked Emporer News, the hypocrisy seems so massive that it is destined to go viral on the Web. It features Randi Rhodes back during her Air America days interviewing then senator-elect Barack Obama on November 22, 2004. And despite the fact that Randi is currently pretty well hidden from public view, you can be sure she will soon be talked about again because of her inadvertent exposure of incredible hypocrisy on the part of Obama. And what was the hypocrisy? His complaint that the Bush administration was rushing legislation through congress without giving the legislators time to read the bills or allowing for much debate. Read more at News Busters...