Monday, July 6, 2009

GT Removes Comment

Re: Jerry J. Jackson, Sr. 7/6/2009 - Below you will find a comment I wrote regarding the story in the GT about the Fender Blue Butterfly. This story ran front page on 7/5/09 with zero comments from the public, until I decided to place a comment. The comment below was in place until sometime this morning. They took it out and put video only to prevent comments. We need to let the GT know they cannot sensor what we write and expect us to remain quiet. The GT continues to traditionally allow comments from readers that do not rock the boat away from their obvious agenda.

paternalistic July 5, 2009 8:12PM PST
I was amazed to see a story on the Fender Blue Butterfly this morning in the GT as they keep telling me they do not have the resources to run a story on the possibility of Benton County moving to HP. We must realize the county should not be a regulatory means for Endangered Species Act. The current draft habitat conservation plan should become non-regulatory and have no authority to add to any additional species, restrictions and or to purchase private property to create 50 to 60 acres of conservation easements in the so-called “blue zones”. Budget shortfalls were discussed during the budget process as the board realized that the county does not have enough money to operate in the future without spending down their reserves. You don't have to go any further then Starker Forest to see we have great stewards of the forest in place without wasting more then $800,000 on a study to regulate your lands. The reason this researcher was able to study these butterflies goes to point, we do not need additional restrictions. Turn this very expensive study into a resource document for landowners to use when applying for a permit to develop THEIR LAND . The county must insure you do not damage the lands where there are endangered species and providing this information to the land owners for free is a good way to insure this happens. STOP THE PLAN NOW AND QUIT SPENDING MONEY.


Brainchild said...

Ironically, on the same day that the Corvallis Gazette-Times ran an editorial "Being candid isn't a political liability" referring to Peter Courtney and his penchant for speaking his mind, they struck Jerry Jackson's comment. Jackson is a 2010 candidate for Benton County Commissioner. --bc

Brainchild said...

Thank you Mr. Jackson for taking a position of fiscal sanity and for pointing out the Starkers as the great stewards they are of there land. It seems that the current Commissioners arrogantly believe that only they care about the land, forests, water, air and wildlife, and thus must take charge of it all. Thank you for running for County Commissioner. We desperately need your expertise. Best wishes! --bc