Friday, May 22, 2009

Benton County: Jackson presents positive budget changes at hearing

Jerry J. Jackson, Sr., (Republican) is currently a member of the Philomath City Council and has announced his candidacy for the 2010 race for Benton County Commissioner, position 1 [corrected: formerly shown as position 3].

Jerry J. Jackson, Sr.
May 20, 2009

The linked information (pdf) was presented by me during the public comment time at the Benton County Budget Hearing on May 18, 2009. It is my hope the Commissioners will follow up on my presentation, as it reflects positive changes they need to make in order to prevent future financial problems.

I find it interesting that the county is relying on renewing levies to operate the county in the future. It is time to become lean and move to a basic budget now. The commissioners are trying to make Benton County responsible for everything from Linn County Health Clinics to the Federal Wildlife's regulatory position on endangered species. When you have to borrow money to operate, you must look at what you are doing wrong. Consolidating and cutting unnecessary positions are the first steps in creating a balanced budget.

Hewlett Packard is offering to lease the county office space on their campus. The lease will include janitorial service, building maintenance, furniture, ample parking, and bus service from Albany and Corvallis, and more. With a full service lease, it will be easy for commissioners to account to the tax payers how their funds are being spent.

The plan to build downtown is not fiscally responsible and needs to be cut out of the commissioners' plans. Moving to the H-P campus is the right move at this time. The county is presently leasing considerable office space, and their leases expire in 2010. Please encourage Benton County Commissioners to begin immediately to negotiate a new lease that brings Benton County offices all under one roof.
Write To: Tell them that you support the recommendation presented by Jerry J. Jackson, Sr. at the Benton County Budget hearing on May 18, 2009. As Bob [Kish] said, this proposal is filled with common sense plans to reduce costs and continue growth into the next decade. So please read Jackson’s proposal again and write our Commissioners today. Thank you!