Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You do the math, 3/18/2009 - The "Question of the Day" on Fox News HAPPENING NOW Blog is:

Fill in the blank... we know you're fired up about this one! If you take the 170 billion dollars that *you* the tax payer gave AIG.... And then subtract the 165 million dollars in bonuses to the executives running the company. That leaves YOU ___________.
The comments section is pretty good today. Many noted that Congress and Treasury have wasted far, far more of the 'peoples' money than these bonuses represent. Now they are wasting time grilling the new AIG Chairman Edward Liddy, who has already asked AIG executives to give back at least half of the $165 million in bonuses paid out. Many have agreed and some have offered to return their entire bonus. We shall see if this fact is picked up by the press or if it receives favorable acknowledgment from our lawmakers.

Is Congress using the AIG bonuses as a distraction to keep attention off their own failures?


Brainchild said...

Mr. Liddy came out of retirement and stepped down from the board of Goldman Sachs to help straighten out AIG. He agreed to do so for $1 a year. Does he deserve the enmity of Congress?