Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Kevin Hoar...JOINS TEAM "ORP"

From Bob Tiernan
Chairman, Oregon Republican Party

I am pleased to announce that I have hired Kevin Hoar to serve as the Field Director for the Oregon Republican Party. The ORP is fortunate to someone with Kevin’s experience, work ethic and passion on its team and I know that we are a stronger organization with him on board.
Kevin graduated from Notre Dame University and received a MBA from Thunderbird School of Global Management. Kevin’s professional experience includes time with Fortune 500 companies like Nike, Columbia Sportswear and Dockers Europe. Kevin currently serves as the Chairman of the Washington County Republican Party and has been an extremely valuable member of field operations for the 2006 Saxton campaign, as well as the 2008 Victory campaign.
With Kevin’s knowledge of the tools that the county parties need to be successful, his main task will be to interface with the county organizations and county leadership to ensure they are receiving the necessary support from the state party to achieve their goals and objectives. Kevin will also be responsible for communicating the ORP’s goals and objectives to the county organizations and giving details as to their role in helping to accomplish those goals. In addition, Kevin will serve as the staff point of contact for the Candidate Recruitment and Candidate Support ORP Committees, as well as helping to provide training to staff, volunteers, PCPs and county party officers.

Please join me in welcoming Kevin to the ORP team!