Thursday, February 5, 2009

AFP Action Alert! Challenge!

Note: Jeff Kropf, State Director of the Oregon Chapter of Americans for Prosperity, radio talk-show host and former state representative, addressed the Benton County Republican Central Committee tonight and spoke on the value of common sense, principles and character. The stimulus package lacks all three of these values. He asked that we all sign this petition and urge friends and family to do the same.

Message from Americans for Prosperity (AFP)
Thursday, Feb 5, 2009

With the pork-packed stimulus bill poised for a vote in the U.S. Senate, your voice in stopping it is more important then ever. Please visit right away and sign the petition against this legislation. Already, more than 50,000 Americans have done so.

After you've signed the petition, please pass the message along to three of your friends! The stimulus bill is vulnerable to the kind of grassroots pressure AFP can provide. Use the NoStimulus website to send a message to Oregon's U.S. Senators that the bill is not right for our state.

Of the first 11,000 people to sign the NoStimulus petition, more than 10 percent were Oregonians. Join them!

The Democrat-controlled Congressional Budget Office said today that doing nothing will be better for the economy then passing this bill. Don't sit on the sidelines and let history run over you!!

Please visit right now, sign the petition and invite three friends to join you in taking a stand for economic freedom!

Matt Evans
Communications Director
Americans for Prosperity - Oregon